me: go Colten go
Colten: no mommy, cheer for the Aggies
me: go Aggies go, you're number 1
Colten: no mommy, I'm number 6 (his favorite for some reason)
me:'re number 6!!!
He then spikes the ball, does some kind of crazy celebration dance and leaves the room.
me: is the game over?
Colten: no the Aggies are taking a break and the band is coming out (toilet flushes)
Colten: ok we're playing again
And this can go on and on, he really likes it when I bring out the old AHS cheers and informs me that I can stand in the grass with "the girls" and cheer from there. Oh brother...
Other events...Cambry is rolling ALOT now and sitting up very well by herself. She is able to sit without support for a few minutes and seems to looove being able to do so. She really likes her swing from Oni and's a whole different perspective for her.
And just a few pictures...I often try and get a good picture of the two kiddos while Cambry is on the floor playing. I attempt to have Colten lay beside her and get them both to smile, ha!!! This one cracks me up...he had just laid beside her and it was looking like such a cute pose of them both, when of course she decides to roll over. Colten could see my frustration and found it sooo funny that for once she was the one "not obeying" mommy.
And the two precious faces I am graced with daily...
Such a smiler
And such a stinkerHave a great week!!!