Monday, November 17, 2008

Everyday events

I thought I'd take a moment and post about everyday events in the Chance household. Colten is always up to something new...he definitely keeps me on my toes and amazes me daily how much he is growing and changing. He has quite an imagination, whether it's making up a game, pretending to teach his class or just whatever he's involved in seems to become such an elaborate ordeal. One of his latest favorites is playing football with "his friends". This consists of him throwing the football across the living room and running to chase it down. His "friends" do the same, I'm guessing...I've never quite seen them. Today he was involved in this football game and was calling his team the Aggies (go figure). However, he informed me that he was wearing a white jersey and green helmet?! He insists that I chant and cheer for him while he is playing goes something like this...

me: go Colten go
Colten: no mommy, cheer for the Aggies
me: go Aggies go, you're number 1
Colten: no mommy, I'm number 6 (his favorite for some reason)
me:'re number 6!!!
He then spikes the ball, does some kind of crazy celebration dance and leaves the room.
me: is the game over?
Colten: no the Aggies are taking a break and the band is coming out (toilet flushes)
Colten: ok we're playing again
And this can go on and on, he really likes it when I bring out the old AHS cheers and informs me that I can stand in the grass with "the girls" and cheer from there. Oh brother...

Other events...Cambry is rolling ALOT now and sitting up very well by herself. She is able to sit without support for a few minutes and seems to looove being able to do so. She really likes her swing from Oni and's a whole different perspective for her.

And just a few pictures...I often try and get a good picture of the two kiddos while Cambry is on the floor playing. I attempt to have Colten lay beside her and get them both to smile, ha!!! This one cracks me up...he had just laid beside her and it was looking like such a cute pose of them both, when of course she decides to roll over. Colten could see my frustration and found it sooo funny that for once she was the one "not obeying" mommy.

And the two precious faces I am graced with daily...

Such a smiler

And such a stinkerHave a great week!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

For my own sake

I wanted to take a moment and just go through what Cambry is doing these days...and hopefully get a little sympathy from all you moms out there. I honestly thought that whatever I/we did with Colten as a baby could just be transferred to this one and it would just all work the same, boy was I wrong!!!

Cambry is such a content and happy baby, and really has been since the beginning. She loves other people and loves to be in the middle of whatever is going on. She still, now four months old, refuses to take a bottle, of any kind!!! Nope, no bottle, no pacifier for her, she is waaaay beyond that. She takes milk from a medicine dropper, yes like a baby bird, and that's exactly what it looks like. We tried everything under the sun to get her interested and our pediatrician just finally said, ok no more just stick with whatever will work until she's ready for a sippie cup. So, the 3 mornings a week I am at work, that's how she gets by. It works for us, thankfully.

Now onto sleep...such a big deal for us mommies. She has been a great sleeper at night from the day she was born. She's not quite sleeping through the night, but has 6 to 8 hour stretches and sleeps a total of 10 hours at night. She's just up to eat and then right back to sleep. She HAS slept through the night several times, but will definitely sleep longer if up to eat one time. Now napping recently has been a different story. I have come to the conclusion that the second baby just has to adapt to the schedule already in place. That has been rough it seems!!! I am so much of a scheduler and really like things my way, ha ha right?! Everyday just seems so different and she's having to adjust. We are now on somewhat of a schedule, but the duration of naps are just so unknown. One day it's longer naps and the next day, just catnaps. And...she's going through this separation thing, where she is sometimes just beyond upset when I put her down to nap. It's like we will never be together again, poor baby. We're working that out though and have had many many heart to hearts on the matter.

Alright, I know I have rambled and gone on long enough. So much is petty, but I did want to document it, so in the future I can look back and know we got through each phase just fine. In addition, she is becoming more and more mobile, she's rolling so much more and can literally turn a 180, especially when watching Colten. It's precious, she just laughs and laughs at him and he, of course, eats it up!!! She's really liking vegetables, so far and seems to be enjoying eating with us at the table.

That's about it...for now...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Our Halloween

We had a great Halloween. We started the day at Colten's school for a precious fall parade showcasing all the kids in their costumes. It was so fun to see them all!!!

Colten in the parade
Colten's class then had their own Halloween party and decorated cookies and made Halloween crafts.

Getting ready to decorate
And ready to eat!!!
Cambry just hung out and collected her goodies, as well. She had been feeling under the weather most of the week, but by Halloween she perked up and felt much better, she actually slept most of the day (with no complaints from mommy).
My 1st Halloween
We had so much fun trick-or-treating, actually just watching Colten get excited was the best part. He couldn't believe Halloween lasted all day, he just ate up every moment. He ran with glee to each house and couldn't wait to show us the candy he collected. But, his very favorite part of the night was handing out candy to other kids. It was priceless, he was sooo generous, we had swarms of kids and ran out quickly!!! What a fun day!!!
Our little farmer and cow