Colten was really into it for about two quarters and right before halftime he was ready to head home. The band captured his attention, however and he did pretty well the rest of the game. He had no problems yelling as loud as possible (surprise, surprise) and getting into the excitement. We did go through almost all the concessions available...from popcorn, to nachos, peanuts, candy...and possibly something I've forgotten by now.
Gig 'Em
Playing on the field after the game
Even today on the way home he asked about the Aggie game and sang most of the fight song with me, I was impressed (it brought a tear to my eye)!!! :)
Monday was Colten's procedure and he did great. Sunday evening I noticed he was becoming pretty anxious about it at bedtime. He had a list of questions, mostly about why he had to be "asleep" during it. We explained as much as we could, and as much as he could understand. All went well, a few hesitations at the clinic and some resistance to wearing the hospital gown with Looney Tunes on it (at least it was blue). All was pretty smooth until he figured out we would not be going into the surgery area with him. Lets just say alot of kicking and screaming were involved, it was much easier at 20 months when he could not comprehend what was about to happen. Reluctantly, he let the doctor take him and had calmed down as we headed to the waiting area. WHEW!!! It was a simple and quick procedure and we were soon escorted back to recovery. He was a grouch and was definitely not ready to be woken up, but soon enough we were on the way home. My parents had come in the night before and were watching Cambry and were a HUGE help that afternoon. Colten slept a little after we got home and then was back to normal. He's been great since, only one time did he say "Mommy, I was very upset with you and Daddy when you didn't go with me to the back." And moments later he exclaimed "Now I'm just like you guys, no tubes"!!! Both Caleb and I had them when we were young. We are all thankful that experience is behind us.
Wednesday was my appt for my root canals. Everything went great and the pain has been extremely minimal. Nothing compared to a week ago, that's for sure. I've felt great and even went the the Spurs game that same evening. A BIG thank you to cousin Kristi for spending two days with us through that, we loved having you here!!!