Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Playground talk

Last week we were informed that Colten has been doing some serious "talking" on the playground at school. The story goes that his teacher and the preschool director overheard him deep in conversation with a girl in his class. He was desperately trying to convince her and kept getting louder and louder. I assume, causing some kind of ruckus on the playground. The little girl made a statement that she had some kind of tools or toolbox, something like that at home. Colten, then went on to inform the girl that "girls do not have tools, only boys can have tools." Well, this little girl (from what I can tell) is just about as hard headed and determined as Colten and pushed the fact that she does have tools at home. Well, Colten had enough of that and loudly let her know that if she said that again, his daddy would have to come to school and spank her for saying that. Oh brother, can you just imagine. By then, the teachers were laughing hysterically. It didn't seem to bother the little girl a bit, so they continued back and forth for awhile, I understand. Funny thing is the preschool director, who we know quite well, was really laughing more because Colten's reaction and facial expressions reminded her more of Caleb than anything else. boys are so much alike!!!


Chera said...

You've got your hands full! Give the kiddos hugs and kisses for me!
Love y'all!

Andrea W. said...

I wonder who told Colten that girls shouldn't play with tools?