Tuesday, November 29, 2011

New house update...

I know...a house update is long overdue. ALOT has gone on and ALOT of decisions have been made, mostly on the spot!!! Things are moving well and we are well on our way to a late January-early February move in date...hooray!!! As of today, the exterior rock, paint, stain, roof are all complete and looks FABULOUS!!! We have stained and sealed concrete floors inside, insulation is going in all this week, all lighting and plumbing fixtures are on order and/or here, cabinets are soon to be ordered and this week's main goal is interior paint and tile selections (fun fun for me!!!) Lots of juggling, but very rewarding to watch it come together...have a look.

awnings up

view from the ridge
awning detail

prepping for the stucco

stone selection...absolutely my favorite so far!!!

roof ready
more stucco prep

Granden brought his "bobcat" down and Caleb moved ALOT of debris and dirt...plus fun for the kids!!!

fireplace in

balcony doors upstairs

back view...stucco and painted
more fun!!!

another back view

shingles delivered

and they're up...rock delivered!!!

metal roof goes on

close up of rock

and...a few pics of life in the "shop"...Carrys' bath in the sink

Doc finds new ways to spend his free time...tea parties!!!

I definitely need to take some more to remember this phase with all 5 of us living in the shop. Will get to that soon!!!

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