Friday, April 9, 2010

Easter Celebrations

This year we hosted Colten's preschool Easter party. Paula (Gram) graciously welcomed the "Froggy Friends" into her home for our party. We had an Easter egg hunt, a craft, games and LOTS of playtime. The kids seemed to have a blast and the party was a HUGE success...thanks again Paula!!! Pics from the morning...

before the party, Easter baskets for each kiddo

Colten and a few of his "buds"

the hunt

the loot

Colten and Chase

the Froggy Friends
Doc made it for a few minutes

making thumbprint bunny flowerpots

pin the cottontail on the bunny
At the end of the party, we had a "bunny hop" (cupcake walk) for the kids. Chase's mom made the cutest bunny cake and individual cakes for the kids.
And...of course Cambry got to have her own bunny cake!!!
We stayed here for Easter and celebrated at home. The Easter Bunny was so kind to Colten and Cambry and brought lots of goodies and treats.
dyeing eggs on Saturday
Cambry was very proud of our eggs!!!
Easter morning
our Easter dessert...cupcakes (my all-time favorite!!!)
Easter outfits and a few pics for mommy
just a few more please....
ok break...digging in the dirt looking for bugs of course!!!
and Cambry never minds taking just one more for mommy...thank goodness!!!
ready to hunt eggs
eggs were every where...that Easter Bunny did a fantastic job!!!
all smiles afterwards!!!
Hope everyone's Easter was blessed!!! And one more pic...Cambry climbed in her laundry basket and thought it was so funny. What a it!!!

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