Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Christmas and other randomness

Well, I am now at 37 weeks and ready to POP...literally!!! My dr has set my induction date for January 27th, so relieved to have a date!!! So, baby Carrys will be arriving no later than two weeks from tomorrow...yikes. We have been de-cluttering, washing, storing, and making room somehow in our 3 bedroom house. It will definitely be a tight fit for a little while. Otherwise she and I are doing great, dr says she's on the larger side, at least for me. My dr is estimating somewhere around 8 - 8 1/2 lbs.

We had a fun and blessed Christmas this past year. Luckily I was still able to travel and we were able to get together with the Llano crew and celebrate three Christmases total. But, before school was out for the holidays, Colten had his holiday party at school. We decorated sugar cookies, made ornaments, had a book exchange and lots of food to eat. It was a great way to end his first "semester" of school.
getting ready to make ornaments
getting all the instructions
yummy cookies
about to watch a movie

Before heading to Llano, we exchanged a few gifts at home between the four of us.
in front of the tree
Marvel comic guys (a new favorite)

up close and personal, cheese Mommy!!!

Christmas Eve, we celebrated with my Mom's side of the family at my grandparents' house.
the boys, anxiously awaiting presents by playing games of course!

our family of four, one last time

kiddos and my grandparents

Papa-O loaded with gifts
sweet Kalyn, love that smile!

Oni reading the Night Before Christmas (Cambry doing a little nose picking)
Santa's loot on Christmas morning for Colten and Cambry

"Santa" Oni (so cute mom!!)

walking into the living room

yay, Lego guys in my stocking

oh boy, a doll house

Oni, Granden and the kiddos

my very own laptop

a Star Wars Lego set

Cambry and Granden

Bopo, Judy and the great-grandkids

Last weekend was the Chance Christmas here in SA. We had a GREAT weekend with everyone celebrating yet one more time!!
diggin' in to more presents

a Buzz Lightyear that really flies!!

a doll bed, table and scooter, so fun!!

playing with cousins

Dax, Doc and Cambry tuckered out from the day's festivities

What a blessed holiday season, but it passed in a whirlwind for us!! I had thought it would be smooth sailing once Christmas was over, but boy was I wrong. I had no idea panic mode would set in and my nesting instincts would arise SO quickly!!! So, it has been fast and furious the past few weeks around here. But I think we're at a good point and absolutely ready to meet our sweet baby girl!!!
One last note...Colten is beyond excited at this point to meet Carrys. In fact, he usually doesn't miss giving me a hug or kiss without one extra for her. He is definitely made to be a big brother to sisters!!! After school one day last week, he jumped in the car full of excitement. It was library day and he had checked out Cinderella to bring home because he knew how much Cambry loves princesses. They didn't have a book just on Jasmine (which is her favorite), but he just knew she would like to read the story of Cinderella. That boy can just melt my heart!!!
Well, I may not post again until Carrys has made her debut, so lots of love to you all and a HAPPY and BLESSED 2011!!!

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