Saturday, June 23, 2012

Backtrack to Easter

Waaay back in April...we had a GREAT Easter!!!  Cambry and I hosted her pre-school party on Doc and Gram's deck.  It was a beautiful day and the kiddos loved every minute.  We had a fun egg hunt with a GREAT idea from her teacher.  We had labeled 10 eggs for each kiddo with their name and added more goodies than treats, stickers, little trinkets, etc.  They had a blast looking for their very own eggs and helping each other discover them.  Cambry ate it up, since she's our little mother, infact several times she had to be reminded to find her own.  We had some great crafts and then lunch.  Love those Mighty Moose!!!

Mighty Moose ears

Cambry and Kaylie

We were in Llano for Easter Sunday and had a FUN hunt after lunch at the church.  They grouped it by ages, so all got to participate.   We had a loot of candy for sure!!!   

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